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Nothing quite soothes the soul like a big, warm bowl of soup! From hurricane victims to medical workers across the country to a local kid having a hard time at school, we believe in bringing comfort, warmth and well-being to those in the community that need it most.

Do you Know Someone Who Deserves to be Rescued?

If you have a friend, coworker or loved one who could use some comfort in a bowl, nominate this person to receive a Zoup! Rescue Care Package.

Our Rescue Care Package includes a bowl of our delicious soup, a big hunk of bread and a beverage. It is the perfect, no-cost way for you to cheer up someone who is under the weather, recovering, or feeling blue.

How it Works

  1. Complete and submit the form below.
  2. If your nominee is chosen, you will be contacted by a Zoup! manager to discuss the meal and arrange a date and time to pick up* the Care Package.
  3. Pick up the Care Package at the scheduled time, take it to your nominee, and brighten his or her day!

Nominate Someone Special Today!